About Us

Our journey

01 May 2003


Awantel GmbH was founded in 2003. At the beginning of the new Century big cities becoming a trend CallShops, Awantel GmbH started with Accounting System for CallShops. We also installed in 400 Location PBX in just five years.

01 December 2004

Backbone Switch

Awantel has been asquired Backbone Switch.

01February 2005

Cisco Gateways System was Applied.

which Awantel GmbH has etablish worldwide Telecommunication connections via Voice over IP.

01 March 2007


„Callthrough“ product was introduced on the german-market.

01 July 2012

International Wholesale Carrier Service.

Awantel GmbH Started A B2B business model in the International Wholesale Carrier Service. offering terminating routes of multiple destinations around the world to customers.

01 Feb 2015

Awantel Meet 3CX.

Awantel has Successful integration with 3CX PBX.

01 Mai 2016

Awantel GmbH Nominated Company of the Year 2016.

20 companies have applied for “Company of the Year” competition. Once again, this competition showed surprising and exciting insights into the diverse Ludwigshafen corporate landscape. More


Awantel Launched Worldwide DIDs 2017

Awantel provide the largest coverage of local, mobile, national and toll-free virtual numbers.


Data Protection Laws and Regulations Germany 2018

Awantel follow the data protection laws and regulations. The German Federal Data Protection Act (“BDSG”) is the most relevant data protection law for companies doing business in Germany. The BDSG especially includes regulations for processing personal data in the employment context.


Security Implementation accounting to §109 TKG 2019

Awantel successfully implemented the security concept of German Federal Network agency (BNetzA) According to Section 109 Paragraph 4 of the Telecommunications Act, anyone who operates a public telecommunications network or provides telecommunications services must be implement the security concept.



Awantel Launched New Billing Structure 2020

We launched the simple rate solutions to avoid the current surcharge issues of EU and Non-EU origination traffic. We provide two different rates sheets to our customers for EU and Non-EU origination traffic So, they can use the services with peace of mind.


Awantel Increase the Presence in European countries 2021

Awantel established direct interconnects with worldwide local operators to increase the depth of routing for local VoIP termination to overcome from recent country to country New VOIP Laws.


FCC & RMD US Registration 2023

Awantel successfully registered with FCC and RMD (Robocall migration database) 499 Filer ID
